實用的二合一解決方案:Medela 黑色 M 碼舒適上衣是一款帶有一體式文胸插件的孕婦和哺乳上衣。 完全沒有接縫和支架,它只是與您一起成長並隨時適應身體。 它為成長中的乳房提供額外的支撐,並且由於帶有哺乳夾和折疊杯,讓嬰兒可以快速輕鬆地進行母乳喂養。 可拆卸的泡沫杯也形成了美麗的輪廓。 用於舒適的母乳喂養和睡眠,或者當正常上衣隨著嬰兒腫塊的增長而變得太短時作為附加層。
- Ultra stretch
- For pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Can be easily cleaned in the washing machine
The practical 2-in-1 solution: The comfort top black size M by Medela is a maternity and nursing top with an integrated bra insert. Completely without seams and brackets, it simply grows with you and adapts to the body at any time. It provides additional support for the growing breast and thanks to the nursing clips and fold-down cups, putting the baby on for breastfeeding is quick and easy. The removable foam cups also form a beautiful silhouette. For comfortable breastfeeding and sleeping, or as an additional layer when normal tops become too short as the baby bump grows.